Ceranimation is a series of abstract animations based on a collection of studio pottery. I use the shapes, colours and textures of a collection of studio ceramics to show screens of colours, moving and flowing to music
My wife and I have a collection of over 600 pieces of studio pottery, mostly bought from the potters themselves at ceramics fairs in England and Europe.
The music is by two composers, Alex Plowright in England, and Kevin McLeod in the USA. The music is either licenced for a reasonable sum, or free.
About me
After programming computers for nearly half a century, I am now retired. I have always loved animation, and I have made a few stop motion films as a hobby, first with Super-8 film, and more recently with digital tools. I also make pottery, again as a hobby, and have built up a collection of studio ceramics which is threatening to take over the house. I love going to animation festivals in the United Kingdom and Europe. Now I have had the time to combine all three pursuits in 'Ceranimation', my first film to be submitted to festivals.